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The Shouting Grounds
Several years ago, my life fell apart.
A lot of pain. A lot of brokenness. Uncertainty.
The years that followed is a simple story. God drew near to the brokenhearted, as He promises He will. Extravagant Love. Grace. Healing.
But the Healing came in a surprising form.
He spoke my true Identity over me. Layer by layer, I grasped how extraordinary that Identity is. It's in His Presence, in a burgeoning new Identity, that I healed.
My broken and shattered pieces were re-formed into someone I never would have been had I not been broken. And now I stand unshaken on these Truths:
I am Healed. I am unconditionally Loved.
I am made One with an Incomparable God. I am a Warrior.
And so are you.
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